While some natural disasters are from Satan, like the one that killed Job's children, other disasters are from God and meant to cause a change of heart. We don't know the reason for the devastation around LA, but regardless, there's an opportunity for change. Just as God used the plagues on Egypt to bring about changed hearts in many Egyptians, the wildfires around LA are a seminal moment for so many in that region. Let's pray for the people of Los Angeles, both for their current physical safety and their eternal security.
I'd like to also tie this into Biblical prophecy. I've heard people on the news say the wildfires are on par with apocalyptic events. Let's look at one future judgment and see what the Bible says about it.
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We have all heard the Christmas story in the New Testament, but do you know it’s also found in the Old Testament? Let’s look at the OT prophecies that spell out when, where, why and how of the coming Messiah. Click here to continue reading...
If you want a break from Christmas-themed everything, this article is for you! Well, didn't plan for it to take so long - started it back in October and after several revisions here we are in December.
Should we expect a revived Roman Empire to re-emerge during the future Tribulation? We will see clues to a revived empire in Daniel's 2500 year-old vision of an intimidating statue. You'll want to suspend any preconceived ideas about this prophecy as we dive into what the Bible and history teach us. Click here to continue reading...
The previous part 8 of this study covered the wonderful time of peace and prosperity during the physical reign of Jesus on Earth. Last up is the culmination of human history and the final judgments.
A Perfect Environment Ends in Unbelief and RebellionDuring the Millennium, Satan and his minions will be locked in prison preventing them from continuing to poison humanity (Rev. 20:2-3). This wi... Click here to continue reading...
In the seventh part of this basic's series, we covered the return of Jesus, the Rapture of the Church, and Armageddon. In this part, we will transition from the arrival of the conquering King to His kingship in Jerusalem, finally fulfilling the most well-known prophecy of the Messiah in Jesus' day. There are a lot of verses in this part, so please take a moment to read them. They bring ... Click here to continue reading...
In the sixth part of this basic's series, we covered the last half of the Tribulation called the Great Tribulation. This article will shift to the end of the Tribulation and the transition to the Millennial reign of Jesus.
Part 7: The Return of the KingOur "blessed hope" is the future return of Jesus who will set all things right in this world. As we saw in the previous part of t... Click here to continue reading...
In the fifth part of this basic's series, we covered both the good and evil leaders that arise during the Tribulation. This part will focus on the events of the last half of the Tribulation.
Part 6: The Great TribulationThe second half of the future seven-year Tribulation is referred to as the Great Tribulation due to the intensity of the events during the final three and half years.
Midpoi... Click here to continue reading...
In the fourth part of this basic's series we covered a godly duo, the two witnesses and how their ministry, death, and resurrection help bring the Jews to repentance and faith in Jesus. This part will focus on an evil duo, one a political leader, the other a religious leader. They work together to deceive the world, helping to achieve Satan's goal of turning people away from Jesus, the t... Click here to continue reading...
In the third part of this basic's series, we introduced the future Tribulation as a time of increasing turmoil in the Middle East spilling out to other parts of the world. In this part we will cover the people and events that bring God's mysterious plan to completion. I hope you will hover over the Bible verses - lots of great scripture here.
The Mysterious PlanA major prophecy regardin... Click here to continue reading...
In the second part of this basics series, we looked at the existence of Mystery Babylon and the rebuilding of the future Jewish Temple prior to the Tribulation.
Part 3: The TribulationAs noted in Part 2, the Tribulation is a seven-year period of trouble for the nation of Israel, also referred to as the "time of Jacob's trouble" in Jer. 30:7 NKJV. It is a time of unequalled calamity (Dan. 12:... Click here to continue reading...
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